The State of Today's Church

Here's a video from The White Horse Inn titled The State of the Church.


jeremy said...

AMEN!!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!!! The past two and a half years of my life have been spent in or around Chrstian institutions of higher learning. I am saddened by the lack of doctrinal astuteness found in many of the students. Church and the Christian life has become all about doing things and "loving God and loving others" and less about the character of God and His Word. Are we to love God with all our heart, mind, and soul? Absolutely. Are we to love others? Yes. Should we be serving other people with our lives and showing them Christ's love? Of course. But with that comes a love for the Word of God and His holiness. I just feel that many churches lack the desire for these things and it is starting to show in this next generation.

Joshua Ritchie said...

To love doctrine is to love God...because doctrine is all about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.