
My story really began in 2007 when I was dead in my trespasses and sin. It wasn't until God opened my eyes to the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the most unlikeliest of times, that I came to full reliance on and full submission to Christ. I started the Talia blog around that time.

I am in need of the cross of Christ on a daily basis.

I am blessed to be member of Grace Community Church sitting under the pulpit ministry of John MacArthur.  I also work at the church where I help with conferences and the bookstore.  I also serve in the college/career ministry - particularly at an outreach Bible study on the campus of California Institute of the Arts (Cal Arts).

My wife, Kinsey, and I live in Glendale, California - which is a large suburb of Los Angeles.

Favorite Foods: Sushi, Tapas, Grilled Swiss on Sourdough with Tomato, Grilled Chicken
Favorite Psalms: 1, 15, 16, 19, 62, 63, 64, 119
Favorite Hymns: Rock Of Ages, Come Thou Almighty King,  The Solid Rock
Favorite Modern Hymns: The Resurrection Hymn, O Great God, O Church Arise
Favorite Spiritual Songs: I Will Glory In My Redeemer, Anchored
Favorite Preachers: MacArthur, Piper, Ligon Duncan
Favorite Prophet: Daniel
Favorite Teachers: Chad Vegas
Favorite Bible Scholar: Peter O'Brien, Andreas Kostenberger
Favorite Hero of Church History: John Owen, John Bunyan
2nd Favorite City (next to L.A.): Seattle
Favorite N.T. Believer: Joseph Of Arimathea
2nd Favorite Book: The Pleasures of God by John Piper
Favorite Missionaries: Hudson Taylor, William Carey, Adonirum Judson, Jim Elliot
Need less of these vices: Diet Coke, Instagram, work