Church: Sovereign Grace Church. Louisville, KY.
Ministry: Youth admin, Worship Music team
I love my family more than anyone else in the world.
I enjoy photography, design, art, and music.
I’m currently employed at the dearest place on earth, serving the men that God has appointed to shepherd the flock He gave His life to save.
I am simply living every moment of my life in the joy-filled freedom of utter and absolute forgiveness. And I want more than anything to represent my Savior well on this earth. in His joy, service, kindness, truthfulness, creativity, sacrifice, submission, love.
I am in love with Him; Jesus Christ.
He saved me.
I don’t know why. Out of millions, He chose me. and that is a mystery I know I’ll never find the answer to. But while I’m stuck. awestruck. I’ll go on praising my God and Savior for the rest of my days, and into eternity. simply reveling in the ridiculously good and rich life He has given me in Christ Jesus, through His precious Holy Spirit.