Be Careful of Your Language

I can't believe that I wrote down a quote and did not record who said it. It is driving me insane! I apologize for that. Because of my failure to be diligent in my citations, it may forever remain anonymous. Don't bother trying to "google" or "yahoo" it. The quote was taken from a podcast and I am sure there is no transcript on-line to try and get a match. My best guess is that is either from Dr. Michael Horton or Dr. Albert Mohler. Anyway, without any further delay, here is a tasty morsel to chew on.

"By grace you've been saved...Beloved, please be careful in your language. Grace is not an offer to be accepted or rejected by man at will. It is an invasion of the inner being of man so that he is impelled to believe."


joey said...


This is something that changed about two years ago for me... my understanding of what grace is... This quote states what my definition used to be and what it is now.


joey said...

Here are the old posts from 2007 that talk about this very thing:

The Battery - July 14, 2007

Effectual Grace? - August 7, 2007

Alyssa said...

I, too love this quote.
I'm always in need of a better understanding of grace.

Joshua Ritchie said...

Sometimes grace is also defined as "license". That, too, is a bad erroneous understanding of grace.