The Greater Kingdom; The Lesser Wisdom.

The Greater Kingdom

I adore how the Word of God describes the greater kingdom: The Kingdom of Heaven. My love for it can at times follow an anti-gramatacal form much like Paul stated in Phil 1:21 "to live is Christ". At times, for me: I zeal the Kingdom. I love, seek, expend, and yearn toward and for it, to as much as God's grace carries me there in His Word and on my knees.

The greatest shocking revelation of truth on the Day of the Lord (just prior to the Kingdom's establishment) to which all will shudder in fear and awe is this: Jesus Christ is Lord. To say He is Lord brings about the infinite truths attached to that (Jesus is God, He is Risen, He is Savior, etc).

Perhaps one aspect of truth that I, at the very least, often neglect to meditate on in the context of the Day of the Lord, the end of this age, the end time, the return of Christ... is the infinite expanse between the Kingdom and what I would call the Lesser Wisdom. The Lesser Wisdom is in fact no wisdom at all. It is the knowledge of the world by the people of the world twisted in a lie that says, "I have attained wisdom." A "wisdom" they boast not of in God, but in themselves (which ironically is knowledge given by God, from His power to reveal knowledge). A "wisdom" that is often used to denounce the approaching Kingdom. Christ had something to say about that... and so does the Holy Spirit through scripture.

The first message preached by Christ in the new testament proclaimed and informed man upon this very thing. In Matthew 3, Jesus tells John the Baptist to baptize Him "to fulfill all righteousness". He spoke to John. In Matthew 4, Jesus rebukes Satan while He Himself is being tempted. He spoke to Satan. But Matthew 4:17 records the to-be returning King's first new testament preaching. His first proclamation, in which, He spoke to all.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Kingdom is real. The Kingdom is close. And it's King is coming with all power. When that Day comes, the strength to which the world clings onto (strength founded upon their knowledge and 'wisdom') will crumble and the window of mercy will be shut forever.

Paul continues an exhortation to flee the pursuit of worldly wisdom by saying this in 1 Corinthians 3:19-20.
"...the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God for it is written, "He is the one who catches the wise in their craftiness"; and again, "The Lord knows the reasonings of the wise, that they are useless."

The Kingdom is the opposition to the world. But the Kingdom is also, for a time until the return of Christ, the mercy to the world. Before Christ comes: it is the home of the mercy to be sought after. After Christ comes: it is the courtroom of righteous justice and judgment from which all will seek to flee. Matthew 6:25-34 speaks about anxiety in life: the deep fear in life that one will not be provided for. Jesus offers these words in relation to those necessary life-provisions:
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Christ offers His righteousness to us and even a spot in His coming Kingdom. Seek Him.