Jesus really did pay it all.

When we sing "Jesus paid it all" we should know that he truly did pay it all. When Christ died he did not just pay for our sin, no he paid for so much more. When Christ died he bought everything blessing that God gives us. Everything God blesses us with is because the blood of Christ. Christ also bought the bad things in our life that God uses for good. Every bad thing that God uses for his will was bought with Christ's blood.

The only thing we deserve is eternity in hell. Thats it. Yet God in his grace and mercy offers us eternity in heaven. When I think about this I can not help but think about how sinful I am and how holy God is. Why would such a holy and just God offer his own son for a horrible sinner like me. The amazing thing is not only does God spare us from his wrath but he goes even further and blesses us.

All things come from God and all things were purchased for us by the blood of Christ. Praise Jesus, The spotless lamb of God who humbled himself for us. Praise his name forever.

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