Imputed Righteousness and Your Soul

There are essentially three ways that the doctrine of the imputations of Christ righteousness can be used to preach to the believers soul and cultivate and sustain a love for God and a focus on God. First, we need to move away from our subjective tendencies to listen to our feelings but instead look upward to behold Christ as our righteousness (1 Cor. 1:30) who has fulfilled all righteousness for us on our behalf (Rom. 5:19). As we focus on this reality by beholding Christ, we will be transformed and become more like Him (2 Cor. 3:18).
Second, we should identify our tendencies to be legalistic, self-righteous, and favor-seeking and put them to death by preaching the doctrine of imputed righteousness to ourselves (Phil. 3:8-9). Ultimately it is not what we do for God, but what God has done for us (2 Cor. 5:21). Our righteousness can never be associated with ourselves because it is Christ’s, given to us by a sheer sacrificial act of divine grace (1 Cor. 1:26-31). Also, when we try to seek the favor of others, especially God, we need to remind ourselves that God’s demeanor towards us will never shift because by faith we have been justified and received the righteousness of Christ (Rom. 8:31-39).
Third, we should speak the doctrine of imputed righteousness into our souls when Satan is trying to lead us to self-condemnation. If we find ourselves thinking that we are not saved because we can’t earn it, we should agree with that thought and say, “You’re right; I can’t earn it, but Christ has earned it and given me His righteousness” (5:12-19). If we find ourselves thinking that God looks down upon us with disappointment, we should dismiss it and tell ourselves that Christ bore the disfavor that God once had for us and He gave us His righteousness so that there is now no condemnation (Rom. 8:1).

Here is a video of Sinclair Ferguson talking about some of the glories of the doctrine of the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ:


joey said...


I'm am gradually understanding this more and more on a daily basis.

This is it.

The deep end of the pool.

The gospel.


Caroline Kaunds said...

"Ultimately it is not what we do for God, but what God has done for us"-- so true

Need to keep this in mind everyday of my life... So easy to be "ME focussed" than "Christ focussed"

Brent Fischer said...

I love Sinclair Ferguson. Not only his accent... He is just so darn theologically precise. Oh and good article Andrew. You should have numbered your points though, so that you can print them out and nail them to random walls in the house. I think Adam would really like that.

Joshua Ritchie said...

Yesterday I was selling a car to a gentleman that I had been trying sell a car to for 8 months or so. He finally came down to the dealership. After negotiating the car deal and waiting for my boss to come back with the final numbers, I was telling him that I had to leave shortly to go teach Bible study. He asked if I was a "born again Christian." I said, "Yes." Anyway, being Jewish he asked what the difference was between the Jewish Bible and the Christian Bible. I got really excited to talk to him about the matter because I knew I was going to point him right to Christ. But speaking of imputation, I was able to share with him how, through faith, Christ's righteousness is counted to us and our sin is counted to HIM! It was a great opportunity to witness.

Alyssa said...

Good reminder. I'm naturally pulled away from this type of thinking because favor in every human relationship is, at one point or another, swayed by the things I do or say, or the things I don't do or say.

It's a crazy thought that favor with the God of the universe cannot be shaken.

Praise Jesus for that!