The Ugly Truth

Quick what is the most offensive thing someone at work can do?

Steal your stapler?

Show up 15 minutes late to a meeting?

Take credit for your work?

No silly, it’s showing up to work in a Hawaiian shirt.

I know business casual has not been clearly defined in the employee handbook but I c’mon that shirt is so errr…..uhhh…BRIGHT!

For arguments sakes it does have sleeves, collar, and it does button up, but c’mon it has flowers, tropical birds, and it’s so err…….BRIGHT! And on top of that it’s Wednesday couldn’t you have waited to wear it on Friday? Plus the fact that your blasting the best of Jimmy Buffet does not help your case.

Please someone talk to this guy. People are starting to file complaints at the HR office cause that shirt is so offensive.

Now telling someone that their shirt is ugly errr… I mean…uhh.. BRIGHT is not an easy task. Its has no other option that coming across as offensive. That’s why whoever tells him has to be as loving and tactful as possible to give him the uncompromised truth.

Evangelizing is very similar to this.

For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, so that I may win more. …to the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. 1 Cor 9:19 and 22

I am a firm believer in the fact that it is possible to be both loving and bold in our gospel presentation.

Telling an unbeliever that they are living an offensive life and need a savior has no other option that coming across as offensive. So we have two options. Beat them over the head with the Bible. Or befriend them and serve them so that by all means with the divine intervention of God, save some.

That's why it is our duty as Christians, to be aware of others cultures, customs, and emotions so when we boldly yes... boldly present them with the Gospel it is only God's word that confronts and convicts them. People have never gotten into heaven through someones clever gospel presentation. But it is your personality, honesty, and love that God uses as tools to rely his message.

I’m sure there are more tactful ways of telling some who wears Hawaiian shirts on Wednesday that their shirt is so hideou……err I mean ….obnoxiou……err I mean …oops….I mean unsightl…….uhhh I mean …BRIGHT!


Naiesha said...

"I am a firm believer in the fact that it is possible to be both loving and bold in our gospel presentation." Bull's eye!

Thank you for this post. It does require much boldness and tons of humility when it comes to presenting the gospel to people of varied cultures! To become all things for all men is truly dying to self!!

(In India, there are many many regional languages with their unique cultures attached to it)

Witnessing in my country is hard work indeed!!! But God gives much grace!! We are called to be the salt and the light of this world!!

Thank you, I was really encouraged! God bless!

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Caroline Kaunds said...

"People have never gotten into heaven through someones clever gospel presentation."

Thank you for this reminder. We are just vessels that God uses and may we do it with a heart of humility and love for the lost.