The Five Solas - Basic Reformed Theology: Sola Scriptura

Sola Scriptura! That’s Latin for Scripture Alone! Simply put it means that Scripture is the only rule for what we believe and what we practice. Scripture alone is the revealed mind of God and tells us about sin and salvation, our wretchedness and God’s righteousness, hell and heaven, death and the life to come. While creation is a general revelation of God, Scripture is the specific revelation of God and tells us why the world is so sinful and how God redeems us through His perfect Son, Jesus Christ. Without God revealing this to us, we’d be left to our own speculations and imaginings. This would no doubt lead us to many different attempts at being reconciled to Him. But God has not left us in the dark. He has spoken and what He has spoken has been written down. These writings, inspired by God and written at the hands of men, are what guide us in orthodoxy and orthopraxy—right belief and a right practice that flows from these beliefs.

Sola Scriptura does not mean that the Bible is the only book that we are to read and that we cannot learn from the books and writings of great Christians—living or dead. Indeed, God had given us pastors and teachers to edify the body of Christ so that we may mature spiritually. These pastors and teachers are given to us so that they may explain the Scriptures in a Christ-centered fashion and then call us to believe them and then live in a way that magnifies our Savior. And many of their teachings and sermons are written down and put into books so that their admonitions and insights can be passed on to future generations. Nevertheless, their teachings are to bow before Scripture—for Scripture alone is the ultimate authority and there is no other authority that rises to the level of God’s Word. The Lord’s Word written down is our ultimate authority because it comes directly from God.

This is one of the central truths that the Reformers sought to bring back to the forefront of Christianity. The Catholic Church did not and does not hold to the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. Let me say that they do believe Scripture to be the Word of God; it’s just not the ONLY rule for faith and practice. They also believe that tradition, certain teachings of the pope and the verdicts of councils are to rule over the people with the same authority as God’s written Word. Let’s take for example the Catholic Church practice of Ex Cathedra.

Ex Cathedra is a Latin phrase that means “from the chair.” It is used in reference to the pope when he is teaching and his teachings are to be considered without error--or infallible. In real life application, this means that what the pope says in certain teachings is as good as the Word of God. It means that his teachings are binding upon the people within the Catholic Church. If a member of the Catholic Church were to disregard Ex Cathedra teachings, then this member would be considered as one who abandoned the faith and is an apostate—or a spiritual traitor. These people would be considered accursed by the Catholic Church for not adhering to the pope’s teachings.

In 1950 there was an Ex Cathedra doctrine that said that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken bodily up into heaven at the end of her life. Of course, there is nowhere in Scripture where this is taught. Yet if the pope is teaching Ex Cathedra and claims this, the Catholic Church is bound to belief this. After this doctrine was installed as official Catholic doctrine, these words were added to it: Hence if anyone, which God forbid, should dare willfully to deny or to call into doubt that which we have defined, let him know that he has fallen away completely from the divine and Catholic Faith.

I hope you hear what the Catholic Church is saying. They are saying that Ex Cathedra teachings are directly from God and if you do not adhere to them, you have fallen away from the “true” and “universal” faith. They elevate the teachings of the pope to that of Scripture. So as far as Catholic doctrine goes, Sola Scriptura is a heresy and a danger to them. Sola Scriptura would require that all their teachings be subject to God’s Word and that whatever is not derived from God’s Word must be discarded and repented of. Reformation Theology teaches that scripture alone is our basis for doctrine and practice. Hopefully you see the vast difference between these opposing views.

But the Catholic Church is not the only group to deny the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. Many Christians would affirm and say that this doctrine is true, but what they do actually denies this truth. Let me give you another example of how some Christians actually deny Sola Scriptura.

There is a prominent Christian author named Henry Blackaby. I’ve read several of his books and for a time in my life I agreed with his teachings and actually promoted them to others. I have since repented of these certain teachings. Blackaby says that God speaks through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and the church. Now you may say to yourself, “This man seems to affirm that God does speak through His Word.” And that is certainly true, but so does the Catholic Church as I mentioned earlier. The problem is not in his affirming that God speaks through His Word. The problem is that God’s Word is not seen as the ONLY rule for faith and practice. According to Blackaby, God also speaks through circumstances, prayer and the church. Here’s the problem with these three ways that God supposedly speaks to us.

Scripture never tells us that God speaks to us in prayer. Prayer is us speaking to God and praying for His will to be accomplished in the world and in our lives. As Jesus taught us to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Contrary to popular belief, prayer is not a two-way communication. God speaks to us by His Word. We speak back to Him by prayer.

Secondly, Scripture nowhere teaches us that we are to look at circumstances to determine what God is saying to us. This is where the rubber meets the road for many Christians. A lot of Christians live their lives as if circumstances are some sort of tarot cards that they need to observe and then determine what God is saying. The look for signs and open doors and situations and when they see them “align” they say, “God is telling me to do this or that.” Oh, how many people have made poor decisions because they assumed that God speaks not by His Word only, but also by circumstances and open doors. Rather, we should to look to God’s Word to see what God requires us of, then ask the Lord for wisdom and discernment and then make appropriate decisions that do not compromise the glory of God and His gospel. God gives us much liberality to made decisions that are in accordance with His Word. To assume that God has some hidden agenda and will for your life and that you need to figure it out by gaining a higher knowledge that is not derived from Scripture is dangerous. That is mystical and has close ties to the heresy of Gnosticism that the first Christians fought against.

Thirdly, while God does use pastors, teachers and other believers to disciple you and train you in God’s Word, they should be simply reiterating what God has already said. God is not speaking fresh revelation to us through those whom He has called to preach. If He were speaking fresh revelation, then we would need to have those words recorded down for future generations to have. If He were speaking fresh revelation through preachers or other church members then our Bible would continue to grow and grow and additions would be needed. But Scripture tells us that we need to contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints. In other words, Scripture says that what we need to know from God has BEEN delivered and is not continually being delivered and added to.

As you dive deeper into the teachings of Blackaby, you get caught up in looking to all sorts of things from which to hear God…and they are all apart from Scripture. The only sure word that we have for faith and practice is God’s Word and God’s Word alone. So while many Christians will give lip service to Sola Scriptura (like I did), they actually deny it (like I once did) through their everyday living and practice.

The biggest argument against Sola Scriptura is that it’s tough to find that doctrine directly in Scripture. You won’t find a verse that explicitly says, “Sola Scriptura!” That much we have to concede. But we would all agree that there is no higher authority than God Almighty. And if God has spoken, then what He says must have ultimate authority in our lives. If God has spoken, and if we know what He has said, then that is what we must ultimately submit to. And since Scripture claims to be the Word of God, then we must either submit to and yield to Scripture as the authority of God…or else we must prove that the Bible is not the Word of God written down.

If God’s Word is not the ultimate authority in our lives then we are left to the whim and feeling of every person who claims to hear from God or wants to define truth in their own terms. Truth then becomes subjective or based on personal experience and personal feeling, rather than its basis in the ultimate Truth Giver. For example, you will hear Christians say that they can no longer regard homosexuality as a sin because of the hurt that a homosexual family member has had to endure. Their standard for truth is subjective, internal, based on what they feel is right. It is not based on what God has said. Their ultimate authority ends up becoming themselves. Be on guard against those who profess to be Christians but use experiences, traditions, circumstances, feelings and other things to determine what they believe and how they should live. They may be true Christians, but they are sorely misguided. Sola Scriptura ensures that what we believe and what we do is in sync with the mind of God. As an aside, may I also say that while church constitutions and by-laws are important, they too must yield to the Word of God. Those documents are man-made and when they need to be adjusted or re-written to be in accordance with God’s Word, let it be done with glad and joyful submission.

Lastly may I say that God’s Word is precious to us. It is most vital for our salvation and spiritual growth. Without God’s Word we would be perishing in our sin. Without God’s Word we would still be under God’s wrath and judgment. The fact that God has spoken to us and called us to salvation is remarkable. If you just missed what I said, let me rephrase it. You and I are saved because God has called us to salvation, which requires words. Scripture shows us our sin and need for the Savior. Scripture shows us who this Savior is and what to believe about Him. Scripture grants us spiritual life so that we can grasp the spiritual truth about Jesus. Scripture is what God uses to give us faith. Scripture is what transforms us to look more like Christ. Look at what God says about His Word

1. Scripture is what the Holy Spirit uses to CONVICT us of sin. Romans 7:7 – “What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin. For I would not have known what it is to covet if the law had not said, ‘You shall not covet.’” Another synonym for God’s Word is the Law. The Law or God’s Word shows us our sin and damnation before God. John 16:8 – “And when he [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.”

2. Scripture is what the Holy Spirit uses to REGENERATE us or make us born again. In other words, the Word of God is what the Holy Spirit uses to bring about a spiritual resurrection in our lives. The Bible says that we are spiritually dead because of sin. Spiritually dead people cannot respond to a spiritual being or comprehend spiritual truth—they are spiritually dead. In order for them to believe in Christ, which is a spiritual act, they must first be brought to spiritual life. That is why the Bible describes believers as those who are raised (past tense) with Christ. We have been resurrected to spiritual life. God’s Spirit uses God’s Word to accomplish this for us. 1 Peter 1:23 – “Since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God.” What grace we’ve been shown! John 3:6-7 “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.

3. Scripture is what the Holy Spirit uses to grant us FAITH in Christ. How amazing is God’s Word. Romans 10:17 – “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Do you believe that Christ is the Savior? Do you trust in Him alone to save you from God’s wrath and from sin? If you do, you do so because of God’s Word. The gift of faith comes to you by your hearing God’s Word. Faith is not internal or inherent in us. It comes from without as a present to us from God. Amazing grace!

4. Scripture is what the Holy Spirit uses in SANCTIFICATION or in making us more like Christ. Believers are called to salvation by God’s Word in order to have the sin marred image of Christ restored in them. Remember back to the garden of Eden when God created man to be representations of God’s glory. “Let us make man in our image.” Well, sin wrecked that. And salvation is not only about God saving us from hell, but it’s also about God restoring us to look like Adam and Eve did before sin entered creation. Christ, who was God in the flesh, was the only one to ever have lived the perfect life that Adam and we were commanded, but failed to do. We are supposed to look like the human Jesus, the Adam before sin, but we don’t. So part of our salvation includes having that image slowly but surely restored---God will do it. And He does this by His Word. That transformation of us is called sanctification. John 17:17 – “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.” A Christian who fails to sit at the teachings of our Savior and His apostles is a person who is not growing to look more like Christ. If you still struggle with sin, like I do, then the answer is more of God’s Word. He will put His Word in your heart so that you will not sin against Him.

In light of all that Scripture says about God’s Word, it’s hard to think that anything else could ever do what God’s Word does for us. The exhilarating reality is that God’s Word stands alone as ultimate authority and the only thing that can bring us effectively to salvation. His Word endures forever! – Isaiah 40:8, 1 Peter 2:25.

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