The Plus Side Of Heresy

Several years ago, oh, back in 2003, I heard of a group of people that claimed that they were a new sort of Christian--a new kind, if you will. When I first heard of this movement under the umbrella of "christianity" I did not know that there was a difference between the terms "emerging" and "emergent." I just thought they all were part of the same group. Since then I've come to understand, a little better, the difference between the two.

One gentleman, in particular, seemed to be leading a vast group of people to generously question the truths of Scripture that had been taught since the Word was given. It seemed that somehow, for centuries, the church missed the truth and it was finally being discovered. Well, this bugged me a, a lot. It sent me on a personal path of devotion to know the Scripture better and to warn others against false teaching. I imagine that behind closed doors there were some that thought I was quite fanatical about it and perhaps just on a hobby horse or something.

In looking back over the past several years I see how God used heresy and false teaching to bring me to where I am now. God used heresy to drive me to know the Word better which thus showed me some places where I was in grave error. God used heresy to drive me to watch over the flock better. God used heresy to lead me to study church history better. God used heresy to put a fear in me like never before when it came to preaching the Word. I am amazed at how God used something evil like this for His glory in my life.

Scripture says that heresy and factions in the church are most necessary. In saying that the implication is that it serves a huge part in displaying God's glory. How so?

1 Corinthians 11:19 for there must be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized.

God's glory is more clearly displayed when true believers are separated from false converts and teachers. Heresy serves the purpose of exposing false believers and teachers.

While we must combat false teaching and heresy...while we must hate it...while we must correct with gentleness those who oppose the truth in hopes that God may grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth so that they may escape the snare of the devil after being captured by him to do his will...while we realize that false teaching downplays and distorts the glory of God...NEVERTHELESS, in God's infinite wisdom His plan includes heresy as a way to let the church shine more brightly thus displaying His glory.

Wow! That just blows my mind. As I was preparing this week for this coming Sunday's sermon, this truth just leaped out at me from my studies. And I saw this truth played out in my life over the past several years. I thank God for showing this to me. While I was rather frustrated with others while trying to warn them about this stuff, I had no idea that the end-all of it would be God's glory. I know that this isn't some original thought and it's not new to Christianity. It's just new to me.


dbircsak said...

Thanks for writing this and for mentioning that verse! I always assumed that was how God wanted it because... well it existed. Nice to have a verse to back it up

joey said...

Wow. Dude. So true.

I remember being at the inner-city project that I was a part of last summer, and they were subtly attacking the atonement. Their gospel was a false gospel. I praise God for putting me there. It caused me to cling so much tighter to the cross. It caused me to ask urgent questions in order to bring clarity to what the gospel is.

Josh, I know that during your fight for truth and your defense of the gospel back in the day was not well received by some. However, I praise God for that fight that you pursued so passionately. That is probably one of the catalysts that God used for my regeneration.

Joshua Ritchie said...

Thank you both for your encouragement.

In looking back over my "journey" I can see clearly how God used heresy and converted me to know and joyfull embrace the doctrines of sovereign grace. Simply amazing!

If it were not for the "emerging" and "emergent" groups I'd probably not be a Calvinist. How funny, huh? I can hardly believe the irony.

dbircsak said...

You mentioned places you were in grave error? I suppose you can't share that, but what if I'm in error in some area? Is there a website explaining the important bits..?

Joshua Ritchie said...

Actually, I'd love to share where I was in error. While not proud of it, I sure hope others can benefit from what God has done in my life. I was formerly a semi-pelagianist. I just didn't realize that this is what I was and I didn't realize the implications of my beliefs.

In a nutshell....

Even though I would have never thought so, my beliefs concerning faith and the new birth were consistent with synergism--the belief that we co-operate with God in order to be saved. This leaves room for man's boasting if this is the case. Even though I would have said that all glory goes to God, my belief was that "faith" was "my own" and that it was not a "gift from God, so that no man can boast."

I didn't know that I was "dead in my sin" and that dead people can't call out for help and life. I simply thought that I was just really injured by sin and like a sick patient who could call the doctor for help.

As far as a website...hmmm...there are a bunch that I learn from. I'm not sure that any of them has a "list" of what is "essential" and what is "secondary." Probably the greatest asset to me in this area was the study of church history. That helped more than anything. I was able to see what truths the church has always taught and to see what heresies the church has fought against. When I saw that my former beliefs had been condemned by the church 1700 years ago, it caused me to sit up and get very serious.

But some of the websites that I frequent that have helped me over the past six years are listed on my personal blog in the side bar. You can see the short list at I also have a list of books that are good to read as well. God bless you and again, thank you for conversation. May we both sharpen eachother for the service and glory of our great God.

dbircsak said...

I'll check out your list..

Caroline Kaunds said...

Encouraging post Josh.. It is so true that factions amongst us, reveal who are genuine and who are the false teachers. I remember in my early christian days being in a church where he preached that there is no heaven. That made me and study and search the scripture for truth..

Thank you for putting the verse..

Joshua Ritchie said...

Many times the JW's or Mormons have come to my door while I've been preparing a sermon or studying Scripture. After listening to their heresy, it's always great to share the truth. But afterwards I always want to get into the Word even more to know why I believe what I believe.

So, no heaven, huh? What did he do with the Lord's Prayer? Was Jesus lying? How odd.