Christian Hardcore music has actual words?

Lyrics from Symphony in Peril's song Portrait....

we serve god in the image that we have painted.
honor and reverence has been filtered through the sifter of our minds.
cultural influenced thinking
and misspoken word have distorted the truth.
so many times we have taken a past experience
and allowed it to carry us to the future,
while new revelation is placed on the backburner.
then we wonder why illumination is so dim in our lives.
the more extensive our comprehension of god’s greatness,
the greater god can move upon the canvas of our lives,
to paint a portrait of honor....

This song pretty much speaks out to me because it is a good description of what American Christianity is like today. We choose to ignore what God's word has to say to listen to the opinions of our peers. Proverbs 14:12 as well as 16:25 both say:

There is a way that seems right unto a man, but its end is the way to death.

yeah, both those verses say the same thing so obviously they are of much importantance. I mean, the whole bible is important, but you get what im saying. We can't let other people tell what's right and what's wrong. It's up for us to go into the Word and look it up for ourselves.

It's important that we continually be in God's word because if we're not, then well never know who or how he is. Please pray for me, that I have more discipline in this area.

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