death, where is thy victory?

I was talking with two dear friends back in december, and the subject came around to death.

one of the girls lost her grandma this past year, and the other lost her mom a few years ago. having never experienced the death of someone close to me, I listened intently as they explained the heart ache and pain that they still feel over their losses.

and yet.

They both agreed that though their losses were painful beyond words, they are grateful for what they've learned, and for the eternal perspective they now have on life. they said they wouldn't trade that perspective for anything.

and all of a sudden it struck me. what a testimony of the power of Jesus Christ that He has taken the actual punishment that God bound us to because of our sin (i.e. death), and has conquered it in such a way that He uses death itself for our good! Although death is wrong and unnatural and awful and painful, Jesus' redeeming power is not limited by it. His power to redeem His creation far surpasses the power of death.

and one day He will fulfill His promise and death will be no more.

All because of Jesus!

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