Open Theism is a horrible heresy (false teaching) that claims that God does not know future events. It also claims that God does not have a purpose in allowing troubles to come our way. In refuting this heresy, John Piper says:

Do we love God? That is the point of the test. Do we cherish Him and the merciful wisdom of His painful purpose more that we cherish pain-free lives? That is the point of God's testing.

Our trials reveal the measure of our affection for this earth--both its good things and bad things. Our troubles expose our latent idolatry.

For those who believe that God rules purposefully and wisely over all things, our response to loss is a signal of how much idolatry is in our souls. Do we really treasure what we have lost more than God and His wisdom? If we find ourselves excessively angry or resentful or bitter, it may well show that we love God less that what we lost. This is a very precious discovery, because it enables us to repent and seek to cherish Christ as we ought, rather than being deceived into thinking all is well.

What is it that you have lost: money, job, stocks, a family member, health, notoriety, a business, a home? God's good purpose in allowing you to go through this is show you what you love more: God or His gifts to us. Our greatest treasure and joy should alway be in Christ. When hardship comes, it shows whether or not that is true. God is good in showing us our sin so that we may return to Him in joy.

Open Theism is wrong. God plans everything for His glory and our joy in Him.

1 comment:

Naiesha said...

Was greatly encouraged and comforted!! YES!!!! Christ is all we REALLY need!!!! He is enough!!