A Prayer of Questions About His Church

Father in heaven,
Why do you allow your church to falter? Why does it seem so weak at times? Why is there such a lack of discernment? Why is sanctification so slow? Lord, how long will you tolerate the mediocrity that sits in the pew? Lord, how long will you put up with your children who are ashamed and unlearned to speak of your name to the unbelieving? Why do you permit your shepherds to starve the sheep instead of feeding them? Father, I don't understand. There is so much wrong with your church and to my limited mind it seems like you are slow to act. But I know that nothing escapes your eyes, Father. And to the outsider it may seem that you are complacent towards a church that is filled with hypocrisy and lethargy. But being complacent and patient are not the same thing. You are patient with us even though we don't deserve it. We are forgiven in Christ and the more we sin the more we become aware of the magnititude of your grace. Perhaps that is why you allow us to fail daily--that your grace might be magnified. Lord, my mind cannot grasp your ways. My thoughts are so small. They are so fixed on the temporal that I cannot always see your eternal purposes in the affairs of mankind. I cannot tell whether your people are growing in the word or shrinking in the world. In one moment they have victory over sin and the next they wallow in it. In one moment they are willing to suffer for the sake of Your Son, the next they prefer comfort over conformity to His image. Pondering these things is enough to drive one to insanity at times. Yet your wisdom reigns over all. You are in complete control. You are accomplishing your will. You are glorifying yourself and all of history leads to this great end. It's just that in painful moments we cannot always see this end in sight. Lord, let me rest in your wisdom. Your church is in your hands, not mine. The church is your idea, not mine. The church is your gift to your Son, not mine. The church is yours to sanctify, not mine. It is yours to save, not mine. Remove the self-imposed burden of thinking that it's my job only to ensure the health of the church. Lord, I am but a clay vessel in your pantry and if you see fit to put me on the shelf or if you see fit to use me everyday, Lord it is your choice. Let me be only a clean vessel. Christ Jesus, you are building the church and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Let me rest on the promise of your sure and unchanging word. This I pray in the marvelous, powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

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