A Mark Of A Faithful Servant

As a young culinary apprentice, I couldn’t help but stare at my tattered chefs arms and ask

“How did you get all those cool scars on your arms?”

“It’s from all my years hard work and dedication to the kitchen” he replied

10 years later, it is easy for me to spot a well seasoned chef. They have burns marks on their arms from working while short staffed, knife marks on their fingers from dicing turnips, dry skin from washing dishes, and the infamous blister on the inside of the index finger from holding a knife for hours.

You can feel it when you shake another chefs hand. It’s like a secret handshake that lets us know that we share a commodore of hard work, passion, and service in the kitchen.

Even the best skillful chefs have burns and scars. In fact… they have more!!!

It’s a rule of the kitchen. A culinariane code;

If you are going to work in the kitchen you ARE going to get burned and cut.
You cannot avoid this fact.

The scars we keep are what separate us from the home cooks and hobbyist who dare step into the fast paced professional kitchen. Yeah I know it a little brut …but it’s a mark of hard work, devotion, and loyalty to what we are passionate about.

Indeed, all who desire to a legitimate career in the kitchen will get burned.

The Bible has something very similar to this

Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
2: Tim 3:12

Most of the godliest Christians have been persecuted.

In fact, the Christian church has been built on the blood and souls of martyrs. And to this day the Gospel and Christianity is spread by some of the most tired, weak, and poor and spirit people.

Persecution is never sought out but it is inevitable for those who labor for the Gospel.

Much like the physical scars of the culinary industry, the emotional and spiritual scars that we carry as Christians are a testament to the fact that we are passionately following God’s will. These scars are a mark of someone who has been fervent, loyal, and faithful to the minsitry.

Persecution is what is going to separate those who labor and serve in the ministry and those who choose to become apathetic spectators in the body

It very much a Christian code.

If you labor for the Gospel of Jesus Christ you ARE going to get burned.

photo credit: Jeff Martin


brittany said...

this is so good.
may this reality give us even more fervor and resolve to live radical lives (in the world's eyes) for Jesus Christ's glory!

the most effective soldiers are not those who fight to survive, but those who fight for something bigger than themselves, no matter the cost to themselves.

Jesus is who we live for.

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Andrea said...

So rad.

joey said...

Vince, I miss your posts.
Great stuff.

Makes me want to go be a martyr.

Joshua Ritchie said...

I think that this idea has been left out of much of our evangelistic and discipleship efforts. A call to repent and believe in Christ will definitely put us on this course. And if we fail to tell people this I think it can lead to them being disillusioned when persecution happens. Good stuff.

Naiesha said...

Thank you! It is a good reminder! If I could be allowed to share this.....Many years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a missions trip to the interiors of a village in India, which I must confess, I never heard of before!

I was humbled and broken to watch the lives of those handful, simple poor missionaries, LABOR among the tribals, right into the interiors of dense jungles! They have a constant threat to life!! On our visit to the village, I saw the cops patrolling in jeeps to arrest any missionaries, if they spotted one. We were immediately asked to hide.

Honestly, I was frightened and scared to death. My hair stood at the back of my neck. And yet, their love for Jesus put me to much shame!!! And there is the constant fear of being mauled by wild animals! I must confess, that I have never been so afraid in my entire life!!!!

But, more than that,I was shocked to see, how much the missionaries had sacrificed for the souls of these forgotten people!! Praise God, who watches over these lost souls!!!

Maybe, we will NEVER be CALLED to go as missionaries into the interiors of jungles...but may we KNOW, with what we.... the "chosen ones" were bought with!! His precious blood!!!

May God find us FAITHFUL till the END!!!!!