It Was Great...

...getting to see Joey this past Saturday after almost two years. It was great seeing Daniel Neiditch and his family. It was great to be with like-minded believers. But the time was too short. Way too short. Too bad Jeremy wasn't there to make fun of....well, to be certain we poked fun at him even though he wasn't there. Nothing like pickin' on your friends when they aren't there to defend themselves.

Daniel, be sure to thank your dad for me again for all the Shepherd's Conference CD's he gave me. Also, thanks for the copy of The Messiah In The Old Testament. I started reading it today and am almost to page 50. Good stuff, but not a quick read. It will go well with the books I just ordered.

Joey, put on some weight! You're gonna need it for your India trip. Fat reserves can be a good thing when one ventures into a country with different delicacies than we are used to. But a cookie...or two. And I'll try to lose a pound or two.

God bless, guys. I look forward to seeing you again soon...and perhaps maybe meeting some of the other TALIANS for the first time. Later. -- Josh


joey said...


It was a huge blessing to have that time with you. I'm looking forward to having more time with you soon. Hopefully the Talian get-together will happen soon. You're hilarious and Christ-centered... I love that.

jeremy said...

Wait....what?!!! I can't believe this!!! When did this happen???!!! Joey put on a couple pounds? J/K I can't believe you guys got together! Josh, you were at my parents' house? I'm gonna have to come over there and lay the law down about getting together when I'm not there.

Joshua Ritchie said...

We got to see Rich and Becky, too.

I chastised Daniel for buying a Dodge Charger from another dealership. That'll be the last time he betrays me ;-). He gave me a good book to read to make up for it, but love can't be bought. Well, it can, but it costs a lot. Know what I'm sayin'.

It was a good time together...the only thing we didn't do was decide who was going to pick up Quentin. ;-)

Daniel said...


It was good seeing you this past Saturday indeed. Im glad your enjoying what you read so far from that book. Hope theres still no hard feelings over the Dodge Charger...i'll look to get you another book if thats going to make up for the car issue. It was good to hear what the Lord has been doing with you and your church over the past few years. Hopefully we can all hang again, maybe when Jere is here. But not at Titos!