An Active Lifestyle

Some cool thoughts...

Am I longing for and doing God's will as much as I should? (John 4:34) Jesus says it IS His food. Not just seeking God's will and His work in me, but doing it, accomplishing it. It will sustain me.

Do I live in such a way that I could say this verse, as though it were me: (Job 23:12). Do I treasure His words as my greatest need? Do I 'eat' them more often than anything else I do?

Am I not just adoring and praising but exercising the attributes of God? Jesus calls us to be like Him. He calls us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. (Matt 5:48; 1 Peter 1: 14-16)

Just to add some thoughts (and a huge thanks to my brother for additional insight): Christ's call to become both perfect and holy like He is, to strive for a sinless, selfless, serving, and loving life at the same time being separate and different from our old self, detached from the things in the world without being completely void of it's interaction or surrounding, can be daunting to say the least.

However, Christ has assured us of His presence throughout our life. Our Father watching over us and His Holy Spirit guiding us. The call is our start, the journey is a continual sanctifying action, bringing us closer and closer to the perfection that is in Christ, which we will only achieve after this life and only by His perfect work in us.

Yet there still remains as a stirring encouragment from our Savior to be obedient. Look to the cross, look to our Lord (after the necessity of placing Him as the true Lord of our lives), look to the Father in worship ("worth-ship", attributing worth and honor to Him) and see the example set before us. The example of love, discipleship, humility, and all the rest, displayed in Christ. Strive forward, personally taking on these attributes of our Lord. Why? Because He commanded us to do so, with all love and affection for us.

We can know that such a command, in love, is for our full benefit. Jer 29:-11-13

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